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Group Coaching On Resolving Communication Conflicts


Foster a deeper bond with your spouse in 5 weeks group coaching session with a certified relationship coach.

Your marriage can be all you want it to be and more.

Work with a professional

You wish someone would just take you by the hand and guide you through each step in order to elevate your Marriage.

Do you feel misunderstood? Does it feel like a chore to try to communicate your heart to your spouse? When your spouse speaks, do you find yourself tuning out because you just want to put a line in? How often do past issues creep up in your discussions leaving the home tense? Do you or your spouse find yourself raising your voices without meaning to?

I totally get you because I have felt this way before. I would do anything to be heard and understood. I would use words I didn’t mean because I felt hurt and unloved. I shut my husband out because it was the way to punish him for how he made me feel. But all this changed. 

Picture what it feels like to communicate effectively, the tense feeling you often felt when you try to express your views especially when they are different is gone. No one raises their voice. You understand what your spouse is saying and patiently wait for him to air his views as he does yours. You know how to resolve conflicts because you have tools at your disposal. You feel at ease, and joyful because you are connecting better, forming deeper bonds, and enjoying your marriage. Yes, you are enjoying your marriage. Now, let’s make that picture real.



"Success stories from our coaching clients"

The coaching session I had with Coach Toks was really helpful. She helped to highlight the importance of self awareness before marriage. Went further to stress the need to communicate these knowledge of self to my intending spouse and be sure there is an alignment before tying the knot.


You're just one step away

Ready to Elevate Your Marriage?

Get support to resolve your marital conflicts. Acquire skills and tools to deploy in your marriage for a happier you.


Get the result

Here's what you'll learn or get

Expertly crafted modules guaranteed to help you resolve marital conflicts, build deeper connections and feel more peaceful.

Increased Self-Awareness

Recognize your cues and triggers that hinder communication

Profiling Your Spouse

Uncover your spouse’s cues and triggers that hinder communication

Marital Identity

Discover your existing or desired marriage values

Communication Elements

Identify the verbal and non-verbal elements of communication

Action Steps

Create the actions steps to diffuse marital conflicts

Who is this for

This is a good fit for you if:

You have been married for 1- 5 years and want a peaceful marriage


"Success stories from our coaching clients"​

After our session, I practiced what we discussed and I have seen positive results. I am so glad I took your advice and had a session with you. It was worth it. More grease to your elbow.


Don't miss this special one time offer

Ready to resolve your marital conflicts?

Get this product for just $27 (a $97 value) in the next 20 minutes. This is the only time you’ll ever see this price so grab yours now!


Frequently Asked Questions

The Group Coaching is for 5 weeks

Yes, however, to qualify for a refund, you must have attended the classess for the 1st two (2) weeks. You must make a request for refund only at the end of week two by sending an email

Yes, you send your requests via email or ask directly during the workshop. You also have access to support in the closed-user group

The Workshop is delivered via Zoom

You're just one step away

Ready to Elevate Your Marriage?

Get support to resolve your marital conflicts. Acquire skills and tools to deploy in your marriage for a happier you.
